Resources for Designing Effective Behavior Change Campaigns


Team BEACH Created Resources:

Presentation Slides: Designing Behavior Change Campaigns for Sea Turtle Conservation

These slides were presented at the Team BEACH workshop given at the International Sea Turtle Symposium in 2023 and contain social science methods, theories, and helpful tips meant to aid in designing behavior change campaigns.

Worksheet: Behavior Change Action Plan

This worksheet was designed by social scientists to walk someone step by step through the information they need to create a behavior change campaign tailored to their specific situation. The worksheet encourages someone to think about helpful social science theories and necessary information about their audience and target behavior to create a more thoughtful and effective behavior change campaign.

Workshop Reference Guide and Tool Kit

These curated tools, tips, and resources are helpful to have on hand when designing a behavior change campaign.

Third-Party Resources:

Reducing Plastic Pollution: Campaigns That Work

This report was created specifically for campaigns aimed at reducing plastics use, but it contains fantastic guidelines, best practices, and common pitfalls when designing behavior change campaigns aimed at any behavior related to sea turtle conservation.